Software is 'eating the world' - increasingly value is created and delivered online across all indsutry. At a micro level project execution is a tactical endeavour by enterprise developer teams to build, as masons, great products - robust, resilient, secure and feature rich - at the lowest cost.
Done consistently, the result is long-term delivery excellence dovetailing with the enteprise's strategic objectives - satisfying the customers wants now in a way that meets their needs tomorrow with the outcome of building lasting relationships that generate meaningful value for all stakeholders.
Head's down in our work, we often struggle to find meaning in our (often 'bullshit') jobs because we can't connect our private interests (meaning from work) with public ones (serving our market - our customers). The 'rational' outome is all too often to 'quietly quit'.
If we could measure objectively where the greatest value can be derived and purposefully use our tools to deliver them with sustainable habits iteratively we find meaning in work and serve our customers; we align private self-interest to the common wealth driving a perpetual cycle of productivity-driven prosperity.
This alignment of public and private - the arrival of consensus on the question of value is key to harnessing the infinite capacity for human ingenuity with the finite resources of our planet. We do more with less. Collectively, we are Atlas sustaining a Planet with ever more ease.
That's not how things currently stand. Zooming out to the 'big picture' the greatest issue facing us is that in spite of all of enormous progress, we struggle with a conundrum; we are in fact doing less with more:
Now imagine an enterprise that stakes its capital to secure a PoS network (Ethereum or Solana) then uses that tokenized capital to build and run applications (compute and data) and re-stake (invest) those tokens objectively to where hypothesis on yield is greatest. Now we've aligned the interests of the individual, enteprise/community, and customer/market. The ability to support this vision with transactional scale is on its way. This amounts to the 'pursuit of happiness' through our technology for it - the token we call 'money'.
exacerbating the problem is a root-directory defect; a macro context (a yield-curve) that incentivizes short-term behaviour and ultimate results in depracation and entropy at an architectural level: fiat currency. Arguably the first place to start is with currency, which ultimately reflects a country's relative productivity - and this is happening with stablecoins.
To solve the fundamental global macro-economic problem of our time at the micro-economic level (enterprise/community) by scaling sustainable and optimal software delivery on Web3 native proof of stake (Pos) blockchain-enabled architecture. PoS Blockchain enables the transparent identification of relative yield opportunity - aligning private and public benefit through consensus - and staking enterprise tokens (staked yield that can be re-staked objectively towards the best opportunities for value creation). These tokens would be used through the breadth of the SDLC to pay for DApps and transaction costs (including being held as stake or currency by the market)
If we could measure objectively where the greatest value can be derived and purposefully use our tools to deliver them with sustainable habits iteratively, we find meaning in work and serve our customers; we align personal interest, particularly the desire to self-actualize to the common wealth driving a perpetual cycle of productivity-driven prosperity.
This alignment of public and private - the arrival of consensus on the question of value is key to harnessing the infinite capacity of human ingenuity with the finite resources of our planet. Over time we do more with less. Collectively, we are Atlas sustaining a Planet with ever more ease.
You can find a deeper exposition of these ideas at These essays are 'rough and ready' - the one virtue I lack decisively is patience (and the one thing I could really use is a collaborator and partner - with 'writability'). I return frequently to iterate and change them, but the values underlying them are immutable. My model for this work is Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a discourse on form and function - truth and beauty - in the context of governance in the age of information technology.
If you are given to introversion and a discovery of your call to adventure, you'll discern the thread of narrative running through your life - whatever your mission - as I do mine; I can work within the routines of my vocation, apply principles of Agility, DevOps and customer-driven delivery; I can set up the tools and processes to allow teams to build with mission and purpose. But to do so deliberately and consistently requires me now and then to ask 'why' - and that's an existential question - obviously more than one for the '9-5'.